I have an hp mini running windows 7 ultimate. The mini has no ethernet port, only USB. When I got this, it had google chrome installed, which connected to internet through my router fine, but internet explorer (8) which is the default browser would not connect- gives the 'cannot display the webpage' message. Online help wouldn't work, as needed IE to connect. Since i wanted to download windows essentials, it needs IE. Since I apparently need to have IE working, I uninstalled google chrome, thinking perhaps therewas a conflict. Didn't fix the IE access problem, but when i tried to then do a system restore to get google chrome back, google chrome wouldn't open.
Thus i'm left without any internet connectivity, without the ability to access help through the online help& support, etc. I tried system restore a couple of more times, at other dates, but couldn't get either internet access program to work. IE continually generates the 'cannot display the webpage' error message.
Without internet access, most of the 'fix it' programsdon't work - you can't analyze the computer remotely.When I go to tools/internet options/connection - it says I'm already connected to the internet. Using another computer, I found support.microsoft.com, went through all methods suggested - the 'diagnose connection problem' comes back with 'troubleshootingcouldn't identify the problem.' I'm showing I have a good router connection, and when I went to start-cmd-ping and pinged yahoo it worked. I reset the router anyway. I disabled all add-ons. I emptied temporary files.
Because I don't have the ability to connectby ethernet cable, I couldn't try connecting in safe mode. Using msconfig I disabled all services but was unable to identify any third party conflict. Using start-cmd-devmgmt.msc and looking at network adaptors, there appears to be no device issues and allrunning OK. I reset IE configuration settings. I tried Windows 7 Troubleshooters.
Nothing has worked. I can't access the internet to do a new download, I can't uninstall IE because it's what came with the computer and there's no earlier version to go backto. I can't reinstall because i can't download google chrome or any other browser to my other computer and use a USB drive to transfer the download, because all of these internet access programs don't 'save as' a file, but run straight from the download. WHYdo Internet Explorer downloads require you to be connected to the internet, when if you could connect you wouldn't need to download?
I am running out of ideas. Anyone have any other thoughts? Thanks in advance. Q: Are you able to manually update Norton Security Suite successfully?A: No. It wouldn't allow me to uninstall, and i get the error message if I try to do an update.based on one of your other posts, where there was a link to the Norton removal tool, I downloaded that on my working computer, used a flash drive to transfer it to the netbook, and ran it.
It uninstalled the Norton, and voila, the internet explorer 8 nowworks, and I have internet connection!Note that I said NOTHING about uninstalling Norton Security Suite OR running the removal tool. I understand your frustration (and perhaps yours inpatience) but you really should have waited for my next reply before doing anything. That being said.The computer should NOT be connected to the internet without a fully-functional anti-virus application installed!Proceed exactly as follows & do it RIGHT NOW!1. Reset IE8 Advanced settings per2. Open Internet Explorer (only) to & run the Fix It in DEFAULT and then AGGRESSIVE modes. Reboot (restart) the computer.4. Download/install Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) - free:5. Reboot & make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you can successfully update MSE manually via the UPDATE button on MSE's update tab.
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!6. Now make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you can successfully run a manual check for Windows Updates per. How can I tell if my computer is up to date?7. Reply to this post with a status report.1 Full Disclosure: Running the Fix It in AGGRESSIVE mode will delete your Update History but not the list of Installed Updates.Robear Dyer (PA Bear) MS MVP (IE, Mail, Security, Windows & Update Services) since 2002 Disclaimer: MS MVPs neither represent nor work for Microsoft- Robear Dyer (PA Bear) Microsoft MVP (Windows Client) since October 2002.
Hi Guys,I need to be able to download a copy of Internet Explorer 8 for Windows 7 SP1. As it stands now you cannot roll back to IE8, if you uninstall IE9 it does not have a fall back. The download page for IE8 only has Vista/XP versions, and I've triedcompatibility modes to try to get them to install.
There has to be an installer package somewhere for IE8. The reason I need this version specific is because I'm in a business environment with a vendor that has not updated compatibilityfor IE9.Thank you.